Birthdays are days full of happiness

Birthdays since time memorial have been the days when I have been mostly happy.
As a kid I looked forward to getting treated more fairly and being showered with gifts, more than this was the particular feeling of being wanted and people asking you and caring too. This particular feeling adds to shine to me and I do look more beautiful , even though I am a man. This is happiness being reflected from inside.
Most of us start getting wishes from the night 12.00 pm itself and this is good start to a happy day ahead. We sleep with lovely thoughts and our personal wishes for the next day. As soon as we start the next day, the starting tone is already set. We even try to look better, dress better or feel better. This is no preparation for a marriage but for the simple happiness we all secretly love within ourselves.
When we are younger, our materialistic urges make us happy for the simple fact that we will get gifts and new clothes and fun and party. All the colour and ranting and fun and games, all seems a day out of heaven. So many simple things in a small but very eventful day keep us tingling in our hearts till the time we sleep.
During school times, birthdays have been more reminiscent of which guy/ girl to be invited for the party to what my girl/boy friend is gifting me. Again simple but essential acts of happiness which lasts day together.
Older ages and elders have a mature feeling of happiness on birthdays. There is sense of being wanted and loved by friends and well wishers. The birthday is the day to relax and unwind. Invite friends over and enjoy some fine time together. Still as elder we grow, this becomes the time for each in the family to get together and take out time and laugh and dance.
What ever the reason maybe, what ever the scale of fun n party it may be, may be its a cup cake with a candle - the feeling is all but the same, happiness from within - Its My Birthday, so I decide to make a wish that I will make true for me and this increases mu happiness manifold.
Wish everyday is like this, every like this. Well no one can do it for me but myself, so I secretly celebrate my birthday everyday and this is the secret of my being drenched in happiness.