Happiness through our relations

“How does real happiness look like?
a sense of fulfillment every day;
possessing a profound philosophy;
unshakable conviction;
living cheerfully and vibrantly;
Good listening attitude and broad-mindedness.
When we
fall in love our life seems full of energy, excitement, drama like the leading
character of a super bollywood film. Love is a force that helps us expand our
life and bring forth our innate potential with fresh and dynamic vitality. That
is the ideal but, as the saying "Love is blind" illustrates, people
often lose all objectivity when they fall in love.
We will never find happiness
if we don’t change ourselves from within. It is not someone else like our lover
who can do it for us. We have to achieve it by developing our own character
capacity, like being human, maximizing our potential. If we sacrifice own
growth and capability for love, we will never find happiness. True happiness
obtained only when we fully realizing our own potential.
If we are in a relationship which causes our parents to worry, making
us to neglect our work and forcing us to act in a destructive behavior, then we
and the person we are love is negative influence. We never going to be get
happiness as we would end up hurting each other.
If we are neglect the things we are supposed to do, forgetting
purpose of life and our relation behind this we are on wrong path. Antoine de
Saint-Exupéry, the author of The Little Prince, once
wrote, "Love is not two people gazing at each other, but two people
looking ahead together in the same direction."
Bottom line is that you are not able to bring best in each other
without having respect and happiness in the relation. It is impossible for an
egotistic, self-centered individual to truly love another person thus hindering
the happiness of both or at least one. If we genuinely love someone then through
that relationship we develop such kind of personality where happiness is a good
part and it extends to other around us. It would also help us to identify our
state of life.
If we want to experience
real love, it is most important to first sincerely develop a happy and strong
self-identity. True love is not about doing whatever the other person wants or pretending
we are something we're not. This confidence in a relationship also contributes
to happiness.
Ultimately happinessrests on how we establish a solid sense of self and knowing one’s needs and
wants. It also means being considerate to the needs and wants to the ones we
love and who love us.
Ramesh Prasad