Sins of Happiness

Sins of Happiness
You may have material wealth, even power or fame, yet still be unhappy. Or you may have little more than the shoes on your feet yet overflow with joy, because happiness is a state of mind. If you want to be truly happy, you've got to look to yourself because true happiness comes from within.
Allow yourself to be immersed in whatever it is you’re doing right now, and take time to really be in the present moment.Life is too short to wait to be happy.You know what makes you feel good, use some simple ideas to make your day a bit more joyful.
Sins that make happiness very hard to come by -
Comparing Yourself to Others
Talking About Your Dreams Instead of Going to Work on Them
Listening to People With Nothing Positive to Say
Focusing on the News
Deciding Someone Else Needs to Change
Thinking “Happiness” Is a Destination You Can Reach
Forgetting to Say “Thank You”
It’s easy to take for granted all that you have.
Avoid replaying past negative events in your head or worrying about the future.
Happiness is based on worldly accomplishments.
Don't be regretful for what you don't have.
These are some of our common mistakes/biases/mind blocks to happiness, which is a universal and pure feeling to which every individual has a right. It comes from very simple time moments and the maximum happiness is often a result of a trivial action such a smile of a infant or my favourite team on victory. Time has been memorial that happiness comes to those who are content and satisfied and the ones who are greedy and dishonest.
Remove the blocks to your pathway to heaven. Yes !! Happiness is the pathway to heaven and it is right here on earth for us to feel and be a part of it.